Op maandag 23 oktober brengt Professor Anne Tjønndal (Nord University) een bezoek aan onze vakgroep Bewegings- en Sportwetenschappen. Ze zal hier een seminarie (in het Engels) geven over sociale innovatie en duurzaamheid in de sport. Bent u onderzoeker aan de UGent met een interesse in de topics (sociale) innovatie, technologie of duurzaamheid in de non-profit- en sportsector? Dan bent u vanharte welkom op het seminarie. Na het seminarie van 60 minuten (12u-13u) zal er 30 minuten tijd zijn voor Q&A en discussiemoment. Vragen over de link met of toepasbaarheid op uw eigen onderzoek zijn ook steeds welkom.
Maandag 23 oktober 2023, 12h-13h30
Practicumzaal HILO (Watersportlaan 2, 9000 Gent)
Meer informatie over het seminarie hieronder (Engels) of contacteer Thibault Fouquaert (thibault.fouquaert@ugent.be)
The seminar will give insight into the development of social innovations in sport organisations, and demonstrate the distinctions between other types of innovations (such as technological innovations and commercial innovation) and social innovations in sports. The second half of the lecture will focus on the relationship between technological innovation and sustainability strategies in sport organisations, focusing on the role technology plays in sport organisations’ strategies for ecological sustainability. These topics are highly relevant for current issues of ecological and social sustainability that local, regional, national and international sport organisations face today, as many sport organisations already have begun to develop sustainability strategies. The intersection of social innovation, technological innovation and sustainability within sport organizations holds profound societal importance. First, it addresses the escalating environmental concerns by driving advancements in eco-friendly equipment, energy-efficient venues, and reduced carbon footprints in sports events. Second, it sets a powerful example for global audiences, inspiring individuals and industries to adopt sustainable practices. Third, such innovations promote resource optimization, fostering economic efficiency and long-term viability in sport operations. Fourth, the integration of technology encourages research and development, stimulating job growth in sustainable technology sectors. Lastly, by championing sustainable practices, sport organizations contribute to a collective effort to combat climate change, leaving a positive legacy for future generations
Over Professor Anne Tjønndal.
Professor Anne Tjønndal has extensively researched and published numerous works exploring the intricate relationships between innovation, social issues, technology and sustainability within the sports sector. Her pioneering research has contributed to theoretical frameworks of sport innovation that are highly used in higher education in within the fields of sport management and sport science in the Nordic countries. Her typology on sport innovation, published in the European Journal for Sport and Society (2018), and her books Social Innovation in Sport (2021), and Innovation, Sustainability and Management in Motorsports (2021) represent some central works here. Her expertise within this subject is evident in her role as a sought-after keynote speaker at international conferences and seminars, recently as an invited speaker at the European Congress of Sport Science in Paris (July, 2023).