Gotelaere, S., & Paoli, L. (2024). Een Verkennend Onderzoek naar Fraude in Sport. Panopticon, 45(3), 266-285.
Gotelaere, S. & Paoli, L. (forthcoming). A Novel Typology of Frauds in Sports: Scripts, Perpetrators, and Bearers of the Associated Harm. In Duncan, P., Bociga, D., and Davies, J. 'White-Collar and Organizational Crime: New Ideas, Directions and Perspectives'.
Gotelaere, S. & Paoli, L. (forthcoming). What Do We Really Know About Fraud in Sports? An Exploratory Study in Belgium. Sport in Society.
Hardyns, W., Vanwersch, L., Constandt, B. (2022). Should football care about its fans’ trust? A study into the consequences of a large-scale fraud scandal on sports fans’ integrity perceptions. Managing Sport and Leisure, 1-16.
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Struyve, R., Vanwersch, L., De Buck, A., Hardyns, W. (forthcoming) Sportgerelateerde fraude: ontwikkeling en validatie van de Fraude Perceptie Index. Panopticon
Vanwersch, L. & Hardyns, W. (2024). “Mundus vult decipi”: The (lack of) consequences of a large-scale match-fixing scandal on Belgian football. Sport in Society.
Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (2022). A Scoping Review of the Causes and Consequences of Fraud in Sport. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 1–39.
Vanwersch, L. & Hardyns, W. (in press). De gevolgen van het ‘Ye-systeem’: Een wetenschappelijke analyse van de schade veroorzaakt door een van de grootste fraudeschandalen in de voetbalgeschiedenis. Justitiële Verkenningen.
Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (in press). The Methodological Outline of the Use of a Factorial Survey Design to Study Sport- Related Match-Fixing. In GERN Research Paper Series 8.
(editors en boektitel nog onbekend) -
Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (forthcoming). Beyond Risk Factors of Sports-Related Match-Fixing: Testing the Applicability of Situational Action Theory. European Journal of Criminology.
Vanwersch, L., Struyve, R., Vermeersch, A., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (forthcoming). Dissecting fraud in sports: A study into sports actors’ individual roles.
Vanwersch, L., Vandercruysse, L., Vermeersch, A., Vander Beken, T., Willem, A., Constandt, B., Hardyns, W. (2024). The Grayness of Match-Fixing: A Study of the Prevalence and Sanctionability of Non-Betting-Related Match-Fixing in Football and Tennis. Deviant Behavior, 1-22.