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Image by Carlos Muza
  • Gotelaere, S., & Paoli, L. (2024). Een Verkennend Onderzoek naar Fraude in Sport. Panopticon, 45(3), 266-285.

  • Gotelaere, S. & Paoli, L. (forthcoming). A Novel Typology of Frauds in Sports: Scripts, Perpetrators, and Bearers of the Associated Harm. In Duncan, P., Bociga, D., and Davies, J. 'White-Collar and Organizational Crime: New Ideas, Directions and Perspectives'.

  • Gotelaere, S. & Paoli, L. (forthcoming). What Do We Really Know About Fraud in Sports? An Exploratory Study in Belgium. Sport in Society.

  • Hardyns, W., Vanwersch, L., Constandt, B. (2022). Should football care about its fans’ trust? A study into the consequences of a large-scale fraud scandal on sports fans’ integrity perceptions. Managing Sport and Leisure, 1-16.

  • Krämer, D. & Schyvinck, C., (2024). Challenging the Binary: Gender, Fraud, and the Complexities of Categorization in Elite Sports. Transcript Verlag. 

  • Struyve, R., Vanwersch, L. & Hardyns, W. (2024). Unravelling the Zheyun Ye football scandal: A crime script analysis of the modus operandi to commit money laundering and tax fraud. Trends Organ Crim.

  • Struyve, R., Vanwersch, L., De Buck, A., Hardyns, W. (forthcoming) Sportgerelateerde fraude: ontwikkeling en validatie van de Fraude Perceptie Index. Panopticon

  • Vanwersch, L. & Hardyns, W. (2024). “Mundus vult decipi”: The (lack of) consequences of a large-scale match-fixing scandal on Belgian football. Sport in Society. 

  • Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (2022). A Scoping Review of the Causes and Consequences of Fraud in Sport. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 1–39.

  • Vanwersch, L. & Hardyns, W. (in press). De gevolgen van het ‘Ye-systeem’: Een wetenschappelijke analyse van de schade veroorzaakt door een van de grootste fraudeschandalen in de voetbalgeschiedenis. Justitiële Verkenningen.

  • Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (in press). The Methodological Outline of the Use of a Factorial Survey Design to Study Sport- Related Match-Fixing. In GERN Research Paper Series 8.
    (editors en boektitel nog onbekend)

  • Vanwersch, L., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (forthcoming). Beyond Risk Factors of Sports-Related Match-Fixing: Testing the Applicability of Situational Action Theory. European Journal of Criminology.

  • Vanwersch, L., Struyve, R., Vermeersch, A., Willem, A., Constandt, B., & Hardyns, W. (forthcoming). Dissecting fraud in sports: A study into sports actors’ individual roles.

  • Vanwersch, L., Vandercruysse, L., Vermeersch, A., Vander Beken, T., Willem, A., Constandt, B., Hardyns, W. (2024). The Grayness of Match-Fixing: A Study of the Prevalence and Sanctionability of Non-Betting-Related Match-Fixing in Football and Tennis. Deviant Behavior, 1-22. 

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